Christopher M. Boyer
Software Engineer
Portrait of me in a flannel delivering a presentation
  • blogBlog posts
  • factoidPosts not long enough to be a blog post
  • slidesThe slides for presentations I've given
  1. How to Fix Build Errors with Chip Tool


    If you encounter build errors when compiling chip-tool, try these step.

  2. Reducing Repetition while Maintaining Type-Saftey


    A story about how I used some more obscure TypeScript features in a recent project to maintain a type-safe interface while reducing repetition

  3. Using the nRF52840 DK


    Learnings (and some solutions to blockers I've run into) with the nRF52840 DK and related tools

  4. So I'm Leaving New York


    I really goofed moving to New York City

  5. Use Soft Resets to Remove Ammends from a Commit


    Use git reset --soft to undo amends on a commit.

  6. Use Interactive Rebases to Append Fixes to Old Commits


    Using git’s interactive rebase you can easily go back a few commits to add a correction in the commit it logically belongs to.

  7. Handle Missing Keys in Python Dictionaries with defaultdict


    Use defaultdict when missing values in a dictionary should start with the same default value.

  8. Manage Modal Visibility with MaterialUI’s ClickAwayListener


    In MaterialUI use ClickAwayListener to detect when a user clicks outside of your component.

  9. Easily Switch Back and Forth Between Branches


    You can easily switch back and forth between branches with git checkout -

  10. Unit Testing in C Simplified with Unity and Ceedling


    Unit testing in C can be made a breeze with the Unity testing library and Ceedling as a build system.

  11. Using to Remove Properties from an Object


    You can use the syntax to remove specifc objects from an object

  12. Ignore Vim Files Everywhere With a Global gitignore


    Apparently you can have a global gitignore file, so you don't have to put your vim ignore settings in every project, and this is how you do it.

  13. The Year of Progress


    Reflections on 2020 and thoughts on my yearly theme going into 2021.

  14. Sixty Prod Pushes in a Month


    In my most recent engagement, we made roughly sixty production deployments in a month. In this blog I walk through what made us successful.

  15. Flexibility Through Interfaces


    A well defined interface can greatly increase the flexibility of a codebase. Walk with me through a refactor of a system to program to an interface instead of implementations.

  16. Refactoring to Go Faster Later


    Refactoring might seem to be time spent not delivering features, but it actually goes a long way towards making delivering features faster.

  17. Why Everyone Should Care About Crappy Code


    When software goes awry, it is often seen as a fault of engineers. However, people often fail to consider how the system around the engineers failed.

  18. guet Refactor


    guet is a side project I maintain that helps with contributor tracking when pair programming. Recently, I went rough some refactors with it, and I wanted to share it with the engineering team.

  19. How Code Gets to Production


    In a cross-functional team, understanding what the rest of your team does can go a long way towards cohesion as a team. However, understanding what an engineer does can get lost in the jargon, so join me as I break down the basics of how an engineer goes from user story to production code.

  20. Like 4 or 5 things that will make your slides somewhat better


    Giving a good presentation involves finess, poise, confidence. I can't reach you any of that, but I can give you a couple pointers on how to improve your slides.

  21. How Code Gets to Production


    In a cross-functional team, understanding what the rest of your team does can go a long way towards cohesion as a team. However, understanding what an engineer does can get lost in the jargon, so join me as I break down the basics of how an engineer goes from user story to production code.

  22. Making Waves in Computer Science Education


    Shippensburg University offers education in Software Engineering.